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Here are 6 Tips to Thrive in the Dog Days of Summer with Kristin Ferree of Crystal Coast Family
If your summer has lost its sparkle, you will want to read this! Caroline’s friend and neighbor, Kristin Ferree of Crystal Coast Family, has joined us to share 6 tips to survive the dog days of summer!
Remember the excitement of Memorial Day and July 4th?! The heat and humidity still felt great, the water was refreshing, and the kids were still excited about summer activities (splash pad, anyone?!). Now that we are in mid-July, the pool and ocean feel more like bath water, popsicles melt way too quickly, and you sweat just thinking about getting in the car.
Here are 6 Tips from Kristin to put the summer pep back in your step!
Try to relax a little
Especially for the moms out there, it’s so easy to put pressure on yourself to create magical summers or to get huge projects done during the summer. Remember to keep your vision in mind and focus on what really matters to you. Ignore the generic and ridiculously long bucket lists you see fly around the Internet and create your top 2-3 must-dos instead. Kristin says, “You may be managing yourself plus another 1, 2, 3, 4, or more humans, plus all of their stuff! That’s a lot for anyone to keep organized. Summer months are different from school months—schedules are looser, you may have more visitors, and your family is likely home more to create more of a mess.”
Create a necessity nook
“I like to keep summer necessities like beach towels, sunscreen, and bug spray in a little nook near our front door,” says Kristin. Kristin keeps these necessities in her nook year-round, while Caroline tends to rotate hers based on the season. Make sure everyone in your family can access the necessities, and do what works for you and your space.

Keep Must-Haves in the Car
“It’s super helpful as a Beach-Mom to keep these items in my car: a towel, sunscreen, and a gallon of water (refilled with my hose as needed to rinse sand from feet, etc.). I’ve started leaving the beach toys and boogie boards at home (unless my kids request them that day) with the exception of a shovel and/or a net. I find that a shovel or net can entertain kids at the beach for hours,” says Kristin.
Be Smart with Sunscreen
Sunscreen can be a battle, right? By now, we are done with the battles, but skin protection is still so important. “I’ve learned that it’s much easier to apply sunscreen (on myself as well as the kiddos!) at home, before heading to the beach/boat/pool. This cuts down on public meltdowns about sunscreen from my toddler plus allows a few minutes for it to soak so that we can jump straight in the water when we arrive,” says Kristin. While mineral sunscreen may be better for you, any sunscreen is better than no sunscreen. Buy what you will use the most. ColoreScience has a great brush-on sunscreen that kids will love. Sticks and non-sticky sprays are family-favorite as well!
Hang Swimsuits to Keep Them Handy
“I used to keep my bathing suits in a basket, because I didn’t know what else to do with them. But, I’ve found that a Tank Top Hanger (affiliate link) works great for hanging swimsuits and it works for both one and two-pieces,” says Kristin. Being able to see your swimsuits will give you fresh eyes and excitement for your options.

Save This List of Fun & Free Activities for Your Family!
Last, but certainly not least, keep a list of local activities handy, so you can do something different every now and then! Don’t feel like you have to do everything, but choose some things that are fun for you and your family to spice up a weekend or week. Fortunately, Kristin is an expert on all the happenings on the Crystal Coast, NC. Check out her blog post linked here for fun and free activities such as live music, free movies, and more.
I hope you are feeling inspired and ready to finish your summer with a bang (or sipping a margarita in a hammock)! However you choose to do it, focus on what matters to you and your family.
You can find Kristin just about everywhere online! She has such great information whether you live on the Crystal Coast, want to visit the Crystal Coast, or simply need some tips and inspiration for your family wherever you are! Check her out!
Thanks for reading!

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