Komono is the 4th, and largest, category we cover in the KonMari Method. It is everything in your home that is not Clothing, Books, Paper, or Sentimental Items, so it's a huge category and can take quite a while. I have many tips for sorting all of your stuff, but these are my favorite 5. Click here to download the Category Checklist to help guide you through all of the categories and subcategories.
Subcategories will vary person-to-person but will include bath/bed/kitchen linens, kitchen tools, food, makeup, toiletries, electronics, office supplies, holiday decor, tools, lawn stuff, etc. It’s all the “stuff” that becomes clutter, takes up our energy, and costs us a lot of money.
Here are 5 tips to make sorting all your stuff much easier!
1. Start with easy decisions first.
Get the ball rolling!
2. Break subcategories into even smaller categories.
A category like office supplies could be overwhelming for some, so instead break up the category into pens, paper clips, notepads, etc., and start with something easy.
3. Keep a running list of subcategories.
As you go through the first three categories and begin komono, jot down subcategories you notice, so you don't miss them later.
4. As you are working on a subcategory have a plan for the next subcategory.
Many times, one subcategory leads into a another one (kitchen tools leads to food), but it's nice to have in your head what to do next, so you don't come to a hard stop and lose momentum. Instead, you can ease right into the next task without having to think about it.
5. Don't spend too much time donating things to a lot of different places.
With the exception of items with significant value, consider having a donation pile for everything that can go to one organization and a trash pile. Tidying a home can be hard work (mentally and physically), so don't wear yourself by driving all over town with low-value donations.
That's it! You'll be done in no time!
Fill in your information below to receive the Category Checklist download! It's what I use with clients to guide us through the 5 large categories and all of the many subcategories. There are also places for you to make it your own.
Thanks so much for reading!
Download the Category Checklist
That I Use with Clients!
WANT Even MORE HELP Decluttering Your Home?
Check out my new digital workbook called "The Complete Guide to Decluttering Your Home"! It will walk you through my process with clients from visioning exercises to decluttering all of the 5 KonMari categories. Click the button below for more information!

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