Have you ever walked into a junky room and had no idea where to start?
It can feel so overwhelming, and that feeling can often make us walk right out of that room without accomplishing anything! You know what you are missing? Vision. You don’t know where to start because you don’t know where you are going.
By vision, I don’t mean how you want the room to look, though that is important to consider. I want you to go much deeper and think about how you want to spend your time, money, and energy. How is your home serving you and your vision? How is it not serving you and your vision?
Here are 3 reasons knowing your vision is critical to decluttering and organizing.
1. A vision will help you create a plan.
Knowing how your space needs to serve you will tell you how things should be arranged and even what to keep. Start with small wins and high impact areas to build momentum. Your vision will tell you what those high impact areas are.
2. A vision will help you when (not if) you get stuck.
Have you ever put an item in a donation pile only to take it out and put it back in your home? I know I have! It can be really hard to decide what to keep and what to discard. Knowing your vision will make it much simpler. Does the item serve your vision or hinder your vision?
3. A vision will help you determine when you have succeeded.
Do you feel like some tasks are never complete? It can be even more difficult when beautiful Pinterest pictures make you believe that every space should be magazine-worthy. You will benefit so much by defining success before starting your organization project. Your vision will tell you what success means to you, and you will finally have a stopping point to your project! (Sure, there will be some maintenance along the way, but the large project will be complete!)
Convinced but still not sure what to do?
I hope I have convinced you to take some time before you begin decluttering to really think inward. To help you find your vision, I have a PDF download with all kinds of visioning exercises. If you are artsy, there is space for a vision board. If you are more of a straight-shooter, then there are exercises for you too!
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