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The home of our best organizing tips and secrets

I'm Caroline Roberts - your guide for getting your home decluttered and organized once and for all!

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KonMari MethoD™




Created by REVAfrom the Noun Project

Personal Life

I am asked often about my favorite books on organizing. As a professional organizer, I do read many books on the topic. I’m an avid reader and love exchanging reading lists with friends!  I generally read autobiographies and historical fiction (I love a good setting). Books on personalities and how our minds work are also […]

My Favorite Books on Organizing

books on organizing

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The KonMari Method™ worked for the people on TV, but that’s not real life, so it won’t work for me. I don’t want to give up my collection of (fill in the blank), so I’m not going to use the KonMari Method™. I’ve organized my closets and drawers many times with no lasting success, so […]

3 Reasons the KonMari Method™ is Right for You!

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  Psst: Skimmers, head to the bottom for the free download! Tidying with kids can be a huge challenge, but for many parents, it feels like the kid stuff is the main source of clutter in the home.  I could write books on how to handle clutter with kids, but for now, here is a […]

Tidying with Kids 101

Tidying with Kids 101

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“I’m in love with my ‘new’ closet. I thought I was doing a fair job at keeping it cleaned out, but boy was I wrong!!  Caroline helped me see my clothes in a whole new way. Now I actually enjoy standing in my closet!” – N.E.–Real client after clothing session I hear this ALL the […]

The One Thing You Must Do When KonMari’ing Your Clothing

Caroline Roberts sorting clothing

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Did you hear the rumor?   There was a rumor going around not long ago that Marie Kondo believes we should have no more than 30 books!  Totally NOT true!  The KonMari Method ™ is not minimalism and does not tell you how many of anything to own.  In fact, Marie and I are the last […]

The 6 Rules of the KonMari Method™

KonMari Method Books

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I'm Caroline Roberts - your guide for getting your home decluttered and organized once and for all!

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KonMari MethoD™




Created by REVAfrom the Noun Project

Personal Life