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KonMari MethoD™




Created by REVAfrom the Noun Project

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Kids Closet Makeover

February 2, 2022

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Raise your hand if your closet storage is optimized.  Most of my clients have respectable storage spaces in their homes. Their frustration comes from the space not being used to its full potential.

I was so excited to be able to makeover this little boy’s closet!  Not only because this little boy is one of my sons, but I knew that we could make a huge difference by adding better storage, and it’s a project I’d been wanting to do since we moved into our house.

When designing the closet, I knew each space had to be functional, easy to reach, and adjustable.  Here’s my thought-process for each section, so you can create a system that works for your child!

Hanging Clothes

My son is 6, and we hang shirts, hoodies, and jackets.  He has a dresser for his pants, undies, and pajamas.  I’m all about encouraging independence, so I knew the hanging bar needed to be low enough for him to reach.  Because of the Elfa system, it will be so easy for us to raise the height of the clothing rod as he grows and has his clothes get longer.

If you look closely in the picture, you’ll see there is a hanging rod above the drawers.  You could use that space for baby clothes, doll clothes, hanging bagged Halloween costumes, tote bags, etc. (I love these twist hangers (affiliate link) for totes!) Once the clothing bar is raised, there will be plenty of space above the drawers for more hanging clothes.



Shelves can be major clutter collectors without some structure.

I knew we were going to use most of the lower shelves as book shelves.  The Elfa system makes bookends, which is super helpful.  Hardback books with decorative spines are on the bookshelf because he can see the spine and know the book.  The thin paperback books are in the two bins on the bottom, so he can pull the bin out and flip through the books to see the covers.

As the shelves get higher and out of reach, I use them for things that my son will not need to reach.  I have bins for outgrown clothes and clothes for the next season.  You can read more about my kids’ clothing system in this previous blog post here. I also have bins for extra bedding & blankets for his beds, so we are ready for cousin-sleepovers!



I really love the Elfa drawers.  They are so smooth and can be used for all kinds of things.  Right now, they hold toys, but as my son grows, they can evolve to hold socks, keepsakes, belts, ties, etc.  You can purchase dividers for the drawers and even put smaller bins in them for added organization.

Kids Closet Makeover Before Shelves
Kids Closet Makeover After Photo


I generally only label something when it’s needed for function.  You’ll notice the bins at the top of the closet are labeled.  I want other adults who may be making the beds or sorting clothes to be able to grab the bin they need.  I didn’t label the drawers because they are all full of toys, and it’s not important that the toys stay in a particular drawer.  Keep is simple!

I hope this helps in your closet-organizing adventure!  Declutter first.  Then, keep the structure loose, so it can evolve.  Think about the future of the space as much as you think about the current needs.  Remember that nothing is perfect, so stay flexible and do the best you can with the space you have.

You’ve got this!  Organized closets are my love language, so reach out to me if you need some help!

Thanks for reading!


Caroline Roberts The Simplified Island Professional Home Organizer

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I'm Caroline Roberts - your guide for getting your home decluttered and organized once and for all!

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KonMari MethoD™




Created by REVAfrom the Noun Project

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