In honor of my mom’s 70th birthday today, I am sharing 7 organizing tips that I learned from her!
Brain Dump! (Ok, so I’m pretty sure I’ve never heard her use the phrase “brain dump,” but that’s what she does!) It’s overwhelming to keep your tasks and thoughts in your head. When you have too much swirling in your brain, write it all down and then organize it on the paper. You will gain clarity and likely reduce stress.
Write in the corner of a bed sheet what size bed it is for, then fold so you can see it. Just a simple T for Twin, F for Full, Q for Queen, and K for King will do the trick. By doing this, you’ll know what bed the sheets are for without unfolding them.
Have a designated bag or place in a closet to put things that you need to take somewhere else. This tip is perfect if you frequently take things to someone else or if you travel between two homes. Instead of trying to remember what you need to take somewhere else, just put it in the same tote bag in the same spot, and you’ll more easily remember to grab it on your way out the door.
When you travel, type up your schedule and important details including a copy of your passport, so you can have a copy in your suitcase and with you during the trip. You will also be able to easily share the information with family in case of emergency.
Write down your menu before a big meal, and make notes of what you can do in advance along with cooking times, temps so you can decide what can be cooked together. Bonus points if you hang on to this menu for reference next time you have the same guests over or if you want to repeat the meal for a new set of guests!
Use a secret code on Christmas gifts! When you buy a lot of Christmas gifts, it’s easy to forget what you’ve purchased! My mom always writes a letter on the gift tag that corresponds to her master list! That way, she can make sure gifts are opened in the “right order” if it matters or rearrange givers/recipients if other ideas pop up.
Write your guest’s name on a clothes pin to label bath towels and wash cloths when company is in town. If you frequently have guests that share a bathroom, this one is such a fantastic tip. Everyone can keep up with their towel in the bathroom, which cuts back on laundry (and cooties). It’s also fun because pins with names on them end up on bags of chips and other random places, so it serves as a little reminder of that visit!
Happy Birthday, Mom!
Thanks for reading!

I need to do the tip about writing the size on bedsheets. I’m forever trying to figure out which sheets go to which bed.
I’m glad I’m not the only one!