Welcome to The Simplified Island blog

The home of our best organizing tips and secrets

I'm Caroline Roberts - your guide for getting your home decluttered and organized once and for all!

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KonMari MethoD™




Created by REVAfrom the Noun Project

Personal Life

Crafting a kid-friendly kitchen requires precision and expertise, areas where we at The Simplified Island excels. Being a team of moms, we love creating spaces that support life with kids.  Embarking on our latest project, we embraced the opportunity to transform a small kitchen into a vibrant and functional space. The goal? A kitchen tailored for […]

A Kid-Friendly Kitchen: Enhancing Accessibility and Functionality

organized kitchen

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Recognized as the heart of the home, an organized kitchen is often the top priority for those seeking to streamline their space. Now that so many homes have open floor plans, the kitchen is usually the hardest working room in the home.  They are not only where food is prepared or served multiple times per […]

5 Steps You Can Take for an Organized Kitchen

organized kitchen

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This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. There is no additional cost to you. A Your Path to Simplified member recently asked me what I do when I’m not motivated to tackle a project.  This happens to me all time.  Once upon a time, I would have said […]

How to get stuff done when you don’t feel like it.

Caroline Roberts The Simplified Island Professional Home Organizer

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How many times have you said something along the lines of “they would be so lost if something happened to me?” I have said that many times about my husband, and it’s a really bad feeling.  We share household tasks pretty evenly, and I tend to be the CEO of the house.  I keep up […]

Organizing Important Documents

Organizing Important Documents

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In honor of my mom’s 70th birthday today, I am sharing 7 organizing tips that I learned from her! #1 Brain Dump!  (Ok, so I’m pretty sure I’ve never heard her use the phrase “brain dump,” but that’s what she does!)  It’s overwhelming to keep your tasks and thoughts in your head.  When you have […]

7 Organizing Tips I Learned from My Mom

Caroline Roberts The Simplified Island Professional Home Organizer

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Have you ever thought about what your ideal day would look like?  We are often so busy doing tasks that we don’t think about what we are doing and how we want to be spending our time.  You may feel like you have lost control of your time and are running on the hamster wheel.  […]

The First Membership Monthly Masterclass is Live!

Caroline Roberts The Simplified Island Professional Home Organizer

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My assistant, Ash, and I were talking this morning about authenticity and how so many people think of “being real” as airing their dirty laundry.  ( I assure you that no dirty laundry will be aired here.  The women of Bravo do a fine job of that if you need some drama! 😆 ) I […]

Step away from the magic wand.

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If anyone knows homes, it’s Realtor.com. They have an awesome series on decluttering your home, and I am so honored to be featured in the article all about decluttering bathrooms! The post shares five strategies that will help you downsize your bathroom junk! 1. Gather all bathroom items “Gather everything [that belongs in the bathroom] […]

Realtor.com Article Ft. Caroline Roberts

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If you are a mom, you know dealing with kids’ clothing is a huge task. Kids’ clothes are a never-ending cycle of too big, too small, hand-me-downs, worn out, etc. Here’s how I handle it in my house, and I hope some of these tips will work for you! To give some perspective, I have […]

How I Handle the Never-Ending Cycle of Kids Clothing!

Professional Organizer Caroline Roberts organizing clothes

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Have you ever walked into a junky room and had no idea where to start?  It can feel so overwhelming, and that feeling can often make us walk right out of that room without accomplishing anything!  You know what you are missing?  Vision.  You don’t know where to start because you don’t know where you […]

The One Thing You Must Do Before Decluttering Your Home

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I'm Caroline Roberts - your guide for getting your home decluttered and organized once and for all!

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KonMari MethoD™




Created by REVAfrom the Noun Project

Personal Life